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  2. Contact Toyota Dealer
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Sales & Service Support

Whether you're looking for a new or used car, or are an existing Toyota owner, your local dealer is here to help you.

General Enquiries

Your local dealer is best placed to help resolve any issue with your Toyota or service appointments. 
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Toyota employee shaking hands with a customer

Vehicle Orders

Your Toyota dealer is here to support you and will keep you up to date on the progress of your vehicle. Alternatively, you can visit your My Toyota account to track the progress of your vehicle order.
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Service & MOT

You can book your next Service or MOT via our Online Service Booking tool. Changes to your booking can be done via the link in your booking confirmation or by contacting your dealer directly. 
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Service Plans

If you wish to discuss details of an existing national plan please contact the plan administrator (EMaC).

Phone: 0330 099 6826

Email: Support@EMAC.ltd.uk

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Dealer Experience

If you’re unhappy about your Toyota or the service you’ve received, please contact the Centre Principal at your local Toyota Centre as they are best placed to address your concerns and, if required, will contact us directly on your behalf.
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